Morning Write

[8:30 warmup & coffee ] 9:00-11:00 AM
new students welcome anytime (with orientation)

Wordspace offers this opportunity to begin [or re-engage] your writing, a “morning write” or should we say “morning rite”, as a once-a-week exercise of your creative and literary vision.  

Participants explore aspects of writing that can be used in all genres -- whether poetry, fiction, performance, creative non-fiction, or hybrid experimental. We focus on writing skills that translate the world of the senses into words, that find narrative in the everyday, that promote memory around meaning, and that bring true human behavior to light. 
We also focus on the process of starting, developing, and finishing so that each month you have a goal and end in mind.
Try a class anytime: New students welcome to observe and we can add participants as spaces become available. 

Colleen Wainwright

I'm a mad fan of Morning Write. Not only has the regular weekly appointment and peer support kept me honest and on track with my writing goals, Brenda Varda has been a magical wizard of writerly coaching, coaxing out new and unusual and inspiring work from everyone. Plus, new friends! You're crazy not to sign up immediately…


Jessica Pregnalato

"Wordspace has been invaluable to me in jump starting new work, maintaining a disciplined writing schedule and re-igniting a fever and talent I thought I’d lost. The atmosphere is always supportive, constructive and inspiring. At the helm of ridiculously talented teachers is Wordspace creator Brenda Varda, who has given the community a much needed venue and outlet for writers, thinkers, performers, artists, and curious folks.
The space is wide and welcoming, comfortable and familiar. Brenda makes the experience extremely personal and creative, encouraging the writer’s personal vision and voice while offering a wide variety of resources and opportunities for the professional and published writer."

Brenda Varda, founder of wordspace, is a member of the writing faculty at Art Center College of Design, and also teaches theatre at the University of California, Riverside. An MFA in Creative Writing and Writing for the Performing Arts, she has taught private workshops in creative writing, songwriting, composition, and performance for the past 15 years.  She also has an M.A. in Psychology (specializing in creative development), which contributes to her strong belief in not only the ability of all individuals to create meaningful work, but also the transformative possibilities of improved writing in both professional and personal realms.  She is also a published playwright and author, and has had numerous plays (one-act and full length) produced in Los Angeles. A current UCIRA Emerging Artist, she’s been exploring multimedia and audio art, and would like to make wordspace a home for diverse production.   








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